Composite vs uPVC Front Doors

Ah, the age-old conundrum that has plagued homeowners and would-be door enthusiasts alike: uPVC vs. Composite Front Doors. It’s the domestic equivalent of Godzilla vs. King Kong, but without the need to rebuild Tokyo afterwards. Now, let’s embark on a journey through the whimsical world of doors, shall we? Pour yourself a cuppa, get comfy, and let’s unlock the mysteries behind these portal protagonists.

upvc doors
Different Door as Building Entrance Exterior Vector Set. Vertical Hinged Portal or Entry for Ingress and Egress Concept

A Tale of Two Doors

In the red corner, weighing in with a reputation for affordability and durability, we have the ubiquitous uPVC door. And in the blue corner, the heavyweight champion of style and strength, the composite door. Choosing between these two is more than a matter of picking a door; it’s about setting the tone for your entire house. After all, first impressions count, and your front door is the cheeky grin of your home.

uPVC Doors: The Budget-Friendly Bouncer

uPVC doors, or unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride if you want to get technical (and sound impressively scientific at dinner parties), have been the go-to choice for homeowners on a budget. They’re like the reliable friend who always shows up on time, doesn’t make a fuss, and, crucially, doesn’t drain your wallet.


Affordability: Your bank account will thank you.

Maintenance: They demand as little attention as a cat does – a simple wipe down now and then.

Insulation: Keeps the warmth in and the cold out, much like a good British pub.


Aesthetic Variety: They come in various designs, but let’s face it, they’re the plain Jane of doors.

Durability: They’re tough, but over time, they can resemble a well-loved teddy bear – a bit worn and less sturdy.

Composite Doors: The Dashing Defender

Composite doors, on the other hand, are the James Bond of doors: suave, sophisticated, and slightly more expensive. They’re made from a concoction of materials, including wood, PVC, insulating foam, and GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic), making them the ultimate cocktail of door technology.


Strength: They can take a knock or two (or a hundred), making them the bouncer of your household.

Style: With a range of finishes, they can match any outfit your house decides to wear.

Efficiency: Their insulating superpowers are the stuff of legend, keeping your house cosy without the need for an extra jumper.


Cost: Your wallet might feel a tad lighter, but remember, quality comes at a price.

Complexity: With great door comes great responsibility. They may require a more nuanced installation process.

The Verdict: What’s Behind Door Number One?

Choosing between uPVC and composite doors is akin to deciding whether to have tea or coffee in the morning. Both have their merits, but it ultimately boils down to personal preference, budget, and whether you’re after a quick cuppa or a luxurious latte experience.

Installation Intricacies

Imagine trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. That’s not what installing front doors in Glasgow should feel like. Both uPVC and composite doors come with their set of instructions, like an IKEA manual but with fewer existential crises involved.

An insect Identification guide for UK homeowners

Spotted some creepy crawlies in your home and want to know exactly what they are and if you need to be worried about them?

We have got you covered. In this guide, we are going to look at 5 of the most concerning pest species to discover inside your home, helping you work out exactly what you are dealing with and how to deal with it.

If you have indeed spotted any of the below inside your home in any significant numbers, call a professional Bradford pest control company right away and they will come out and fix the problem for you, normally using some form of control method such as insecticides in conjunction with some habitat modification and pest proofing tips.

5 common pest insect species in UK

Bed Bugs

Why not kick things off with one of the worst pest species to discover.

Bed bugs are the arch enemy of the good night’s kip and can make life a miserable nightmare for any property owner dealing with them.

They are pretty tiny, especially before they have fed, so you will likely see and feel signs of bed bug activity before seeing them.

Some of these signs include waking up feeling extra itchy, small red spots on your body, and a slightly odd, musty odour coming from somewhere nearby.

At max size, bed bugs are around 5mm in size so you can spot them if you look closely enough.

Bed bug infestations will always require professional pest control to resolve.


Surprised to find cockroaches on a list of UK insects? They are more common than you might think, and perfectly disgusting to have in your home.

They are some of the most prolific disease carrying pests in the world, so if you do see them scuttling around your property you need to act fast.

One of the common signs to look out for are the skins that they shed as they grow, these are normally located close to their hideout.

Their appearance depends on the species in question but most are around 1 inch in size and a variation of brown.


We all deal with them in the summer but if a single insect buzzing around a picnic turns into a full blown nest, you have problems.

Wasps will viciously defend their nests and only a professional should attempt to remove one. DIY removal will leave you sore and stung if one tiny thing goes wrong.


Cat and dog fleas target, as you might guess, your beloved pets, making them some of the most hated insects on this list.

Watch out for scratching, bald patches of fur, and general unhappiness in your furry friends.

Carpet Beetles

These critters will destroy your carpets, furniture, and clothing without a backwards glance. Defend your furnishings from these 5mm-ish long brown beetles and your fabrics will forever be in your debt.

These creatures do not pose a direct threat to human health but there destruction can be a (sad) sight to behold.

The many uses of tyre technology

Tyres were first developed solely as a means of transporting vehicles in a smooth manner, but in the last 100 years they have become so much more than that alone.

The resilience and durability of tyres has made them incredibly popular in a whole host of fields that you probably never even imagined and they have now been integrated into the world of art, construction, and much more besides.

In this blog we are going to look at some of the more unique uses for tyres Edinburgh, how many of these have you heard of?


Did you know that in some countries, filling tyres with materials such as earth or concrete is used as a method of construction?

The rubber within the tyre is not only durable and pretty environmentally friendly in comparison to alternative building materials, but is actually a great insulator and offers excellent energy efficiency ratings.

Tacking soil erosion

Tyre walls are often used to protect the sides of rivers and coastlines from the threat of erosion, taking the brunt of the waves that come splashing and reducing the risk of soil erosion.

Due to the durable make-up of these tyres, they are more than capable of withstanding some pretty intense pressure from the elements and will last many years.

Modern Art

In the world of modern art, tyres are far from the strangest item to end up being put on display. From striking structures putting the world to rights to interesting garden ornaments, tyres have been used by artists in all sorts of different fun and interesting ways.

Outdoor activities

Ever swung on a tire swing when you were younger? If not, you have been missing out.

Tyres are a great tool when building your very own adventure playground and are often incorporated into the design of children’s play parks and outdoor adventure facilities.

One of the great things about tyres is their ability to absorb shock impacts, this is the reason that your tyres don’t burst every time you drive through a pothole, meaning that they are perfect for creating a safer environment for children, as opposed to using solid wood or other less bouncy materials!


Yep, we had to mention the obvious one at some point. Millions of tyres are in action every single day in the UK and billions across the world, keeping us all on the road and the world moving smoothly.

If tyres were suddenly to disappear, the globe would swiftly come to a rather unceremonious halt. It is no exaggeration to say that the invention of the tyre is one of the most important in history and that the world would be a very different, and far less connected place without them.


Placing plants inside of tyres makes for a very handy and aesthetically pleasing flowerbed and tires have been used for displays and agriculture for decades. The rubber of the tyre is also fantastic at retaining moisture making it ideal in more arid regions, for obvious reasons.

How to pick the perfect security company for your event

Hiring a professional security firm is the key to ensuring the safety and security of the guests at your next big event.

That said, the wrong security firm can make things a whole lot more difficult and throw the entire event into complete chaos. So, with so many different security firms online vying for your attention and business, how do you go about finding the perfect security for event?

In this article we will help you to do just that, walking you through the easiest steps that you can take to find the ideal security company to bring in to manage the security at the event you are hosting. Of course, the perfect security firm will vary depending on the event in question and your specific needs, but here are a few of the universal tips of the trade that you can rely upon.

event staff

Work out your security requirements

The first step to finding a security company whose services meet your security requirements is to identify exactly what those security requirements are.

Take into account the size of the venue, the number of people that you expect to attend, and common security threats that would be expected for  similar event. If you are unsure where to start with this, why not get in touch with other event organisers in a similar industry.

The type of event you are hosting will have a major impact on the type of security measures that will need to be put in place. For example, at a concert, crowd control barriers may need to be installed to prevent dangerous overcrowding, whilst at a political rally the threat is more likely to come from protesters intent on disruption.

Whilst conducting your own risk assessment and using the findings to locate the perfect security firm to put appropriate measures in place is a good idea, you will also want the firm you do choose to conduct a further investigation after you hire them. They will be able to use their expert eye to spot risks around the venue that you might have missed and use their experience of providing security for similar events in the past to build the most effective security system possible.

Make a list of potential options

Once you know exactly what it is that you need from your security company, it is time to start looking for companies that offer the required services and narrowing down your options. Seeking recommendations from other event managers or the venue itself is a good place to start with this search, as is the SIA approved contractors register, a compilation of security firms who are committed to maintaining the highest standards of work.

Online searches will return a flood of results that can be a bit overwhelming but are still a pretty solid place to begin your search, especially if you look at independent review websites rather than relying on the word of the security company themselves.

Make a list of around 3-5 different security companies that you think may be a match and begin to look into each in a bit more detail.

Ensure they are properly licenced

All security officers must hold a SIA licence in order to carry out the duties that are required for an event security guard. It is essential that you check that all the companies on your list are fully licenced and accredited before proceeding any further with your consideration.

The precise licencing requirements for events may vary depending on the location but bear in mind that there will be additional requirements if you intend to serve alcohol on the day.

What is their experience?

The more events a security firm has handled successfully the more confident you should be that they are a good fit. A background in similar events should have been a pre-requisite for getting onto your shortlist in the first place but make sure to ask further questions about the firm’s background at similar events. They should be able to provide you with specific information about events they have worked on and tell you how they would utilise this experience to ensure that your event is a success.

Talk to them

event guests

At the end of the day you are giving an event security firm a huge amount of responsibility and it is vital that you are confident with the services they are providing and trust them to deliver. The only way to build this trust is to talk directly with each firm and choose the company who provides the most assured responses. Many event security companies offer the same or similar services and the final decision may well come down to personal preference rather than numbers or statistics.