Composite vs uPVC Front Doors

Ah, the age-old conundrum that has plagued homeowners and would-be door enthusiasts alike: uPVC vs. Composite Front Doors. It’s the domestic equivalent of Godzilla vs. King Kong, but without the need to rebuild Tokyo afterwards. Now, let’s embark on a journey through the whimsical world of doors, shall we? Pour yourself a cuppa, get comfy, and let’s unlock the mysteries behind these portal protagonists.

upvc doors
Different Door as Building Entrance Exterior Vector Set. Vertical Hinged Portal or Entry for Ingress and Egress Concept

A Tale of Two Doors

In the red corner, weighing in with a reputation for affordability and durability, we have the ubiquitous uPVC door. And in the blue corner, the heavyweight champion of style and strength, the composite door. Choosing between these two is more than a matter of picking a door; it’s about setting the tone for your entire house. After all, first impressions count, and your front door is the cheeky grin of your home.

uPVC Doors: The Budget-Friendly Bouncer

uPVC doors, or unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride if you want to get technical (and sound impressively scientific at dinner parties), have been the go-to choice for homeowners on a budget. They’re like the reliable friend who always shows up on time, doesn’t make a fuss, and, crucially, doesn’t drain your wallet.


Affordability: Your bank account will thank you.

Maintenance: They demand as little attention as a cat does – a simple wipe down now and then.

Insulation: Keeps the warmth in and the cold out, much like a good British pub.


Aesthetic Variety: They come in various designs, but let’s face it, they’re the plain Jane of doors.

Durability: They’re tough, but over time, they can resemble a well-loved teddy bear – a bit worn and less sturdy.

Composite Doors: The Dashing Defender

Composite doors, on the other hand, are the James Bond of doors: suave, sophisticated, and slightly more expensive. They’re made from a concoction of materials, including wood, PVC, insulating foam, and GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic), making them the ultimate cocktail of door technology.


Strength: They can take a knock or two (or a hundred), making them the bouncer of your household.

Style: With a range of finishes, they can match any outfit your house decides to wear.

Efficiency: Their insulating superpowers are the stuff of legend, keeping your house cosy without the need for an extra jumper.


Cost: Your wallet might feel a tad lighter, but remember, quality comes at a price.

Complexity: With great door comes great responsibility. They may require a more nuanced installation process.

The Verdict: What’s Behind Door Number One?

Choosing between uPVC and composite doors is akin to deciding whether to have tea or coffee in the morning. Both have their merits, but it ultimately boils down to personal preference, budget, and whether you’re after a quick cuppa or a luxurious latte experience.

Installation Intricacies

Imagine trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. That’s not what installing front doors in Glasgow should feel like. Both uPVC and composite doors come with their set of instructions, like an IKEA manual but with fewer existential crises involved.